Body correction Aesthetic plastic surgery


Bauchdeckenstraffung: Fühlen Sie sich mit einem straffen und schlanken Bauch wieder athletisch

Home / Liposuction & Body Contour / Abdominoplasty

Eine Bauchstraffung oder „Abdominoplastik“ ist eine Operationstechnik, die der Entfernung überschüssiger Haut am Bauch dient. Sie sind mit Ihrem Wunsch nicht alleine: In Deutschland wurde diese Operation 2019 über 24.000-mal (weltweit 924.000-mal) durchgeführt [1]. Operationen zur Verschönerung der Bauchkontur wurden erstmals 1890 beschrieben [2] und werden seitdem ständig weiterentwickelt.

Entscheiden Sie sich für einen Körper zum Verlieben:

  • Nach dem erfolgreichen Abnehmen zum straffen Bauch
  • Genießen Sie die Badezeit mit einem straffen Bauch
  • Nach der Schwangerschaft wieder zum Wunschkörper
  • Ohne Probleme Bauchfrei kleiden


CenterPlast ist Ihr Spezialist für eine Bauchdeckenstraffung. Vereinbaren Sie gerne einen Beratungstermin für Ihr Body-Lift.

Methods of abdominoplasty: these options you have

Depending on your needs, abdominoplasty can be combined with liposuction, for example on the abdomen or waist. If after pregnancy the straight abdominal muscles have given way, it is possible to return the abdominal muscles to their original position during abdominoplasty.

We distinguish between these three types of abdominoplasty for you:

  • Abdominoplasty (also called abdominoplasty, upper abdominoplasty, complete abdominoplasty or major abdominoplasty): During the surgical procedure, the skin between the lower edge of the costal arch and the mons pubis is tightened. In this procedure, the excess skin between the belly button and the mons pubis is removed from you . At the same time, the large tummy tuck also removes stretch marks in the lower part of the abdomen. Your skin between the ribs and the belly button is loosened and moved down. During this classic tummy tuck procedure, your skin is closed in the bikini area, leaving a fine and inconspicuous horizontal scar. The belly button itself is not actually moved by the cosmetic surgery doctor. Rather, the belly button is given an opening in the skin mantle that is tightened above it. After all, the fine scar around the belly button is barely visible.
  • Lower abdominoplasty (also called mini-abdominoplasty or small abdominoplasty): In this surgical method of lower abdominoplasty, the area between the belly button and the mons pubis is tightened. The wrinkled skin is removed in a spindle shape during the mini tummy tuck. After the wound has been closed, a later scar remains from the mini tummy tuck, which can be compared to a very fine caesarean section scar. It’s a minor procedure in comparison.
  • Tummy tuck in T-cut technique (also called Fleur de Lis tummy tuck): The surgical technique is suitable for beautifying the silhouette in case of a hanging belly, also called fat apron. This plastic aesthetic procedure allows tightening the skin on the abdomen in two directions: Horizontal and vertical. Its advantage is that this method very effectively tightens the skin and contours the waist. In addition, stretch marks and any scars from previous surgeries are removed along with the excess skin. The disadvantage of the Fleur de Lis technique is that it leaves a vertical scar in the center of your abdomen.

Facts about abdominoplasty for you at a glance

OP duration 2-3h
Anesthesia General anesthesia / twilight sleep / rapid recovery
Hospital stay Outpatient
Costs to the price calculator
Aftercare 6 weeks
Thread Traction Self-dissolving threads
Socially acceptable after 2 weeks
Supplements or alternatives Abdominal liposuction

Procedure of the surgery: How is an abdominoplasty performed in your case?

  • As a rule, the skin on the lower abdomen is sutured with self-dissolving skin sutures, except for the belly button.
  • Depending on the findings, drainage tubes are inserted into the wound, which can be removed again after a short period of time.
  • The surgery time for an abdominoplasty is two to three hours, depending on the extent of the procedure.
1. saw muscle 2. external oblique abdominal muscle (Musqulus obliquus externus abdominis) 3. navel 4. spinal nerves (Nervi spinalis) 5. internal oblique abdominal muscle (Musculus obliquus internus abdominis) 6. straight abdominal muscle (Musculus rectus abdominis) Straight abdominal muscle (Musculus rectus abdominis) 7. divergence of the straight abdominal muscles (rectus diastasis) 8 . transverse abdominal muscle (Musculus transversus abdominis) 9. V-groin 10 . mons pubis

In the case of abdominal wall surgery, fat deposits and sagging skin must be considered equally in your case. Furthermore, a natural alignment of the straight abdominal muscles can be restored. The contours of the abdominal wall should harmonize with the waist and mons veneris. Certain areas can be emphasized in a special way. Knowledge of the nerve courses is important for surgical treatment and for pain elimination during surgery.


Miniabdominoplasty – lower abdominoplasty

Region der überschüssigen Haut, welche bei einer Minibauchdeckenstraffung entfernt wird.
Region der überschüssigen Haut, welche bei einer Minibauchdeckenstraffung entfernt wird. Bei einer Miniabdominoplastik (Unterbauchdeckenstraffung) wird überschüssige Haut oberhalb des Schamhügels entfernt und der Unterbauch geglättet.


Abdominoplasty – upper abdominoplasty

Region der überschüssigen Haut, welche bei einer Oberbauchdeckenstraffung entfernt wird. Eine Oberbauchdeckenstraffung entfernt überschüssige Haut zwischen dem Bauchnabel und der Scham.


T-technique upper abdominoplasty – Fleur de Lis

Die größtmögliche Straffung der Bauchhaut lässt sich mit einer Straffung in waagrechter und in senkrechter Ebene erzielen. Diese Technik ist bei stark erschlaffter Haut nach erheblichem Gewichtsverlust gelegentlich angezeigt. Die größtmögliche Straffung der Bauchhaut lässt sich mit einer Straffung in waagrechter und in senkrechter Ebene erzielen. Diese Technik ist bei stark erschlaffter Haut nach erheblichem Gewichtsverlust gelegentlich angezeigt.

An almost invisible scar for you after a tummy tuck, how does it work?

Of course, you do not want noticeable scars on your body. We pay special attention to an inconspicuous scar after abdominoplasty. With special precautions, certain technical refinements and regular aftercare, all the conditions for optimal healing are met so that hardly any visible scars remain:

  1. We take care to keep a fine line-shaped scar hidden within the bikini line.
  2. Thanks to a special suture technique (gathered suture), the scar is several centimetres shorter than in conventional abdominoplasty.
  3. A special suturing technique distributes the tension to the inner connective tissue and closes the skin without any tension.
  4. Simultaneous liposuction not only helps you achieve more beautiful contours, it also reduces tension and preserves the skin’s blood circulation – two important prerequisites for good healing.
  5. We suture the wound with very fine sutures in the area of the subcutaneous tissue at your place, so as not to damage your skin surface.
  6. With microsurgical precision and optical magnification, the skin layers are aligned very precisely.
  7. The shaping of a few millimeters deep, elongated belly button leaves only a small scar on you in the belly button, which is hardly recognizable in retrospect.
  8. We inform and advise our patients when and how you can best support scar healing and what you should pay attention to.


Abdominoplasty for men: not only women are interested

You are not alone: Tummy tuck is the fourth most common cosmetic surgery in the U.S. for both women and men [3]. When men lose a lot of weight, skin folds often remain at the waistband. The disturbing wrinkles can be removed by an abdominoplasty. Many at the same time want to get rid of fat deposits on the flanks. For a slim athletic waist, liposuction of the problem areas is performed before the lift. The fine scars are located below the waistband and can also be hidden in a bathing suit.

Before and after pictures of abdominoplasty unfortunately forbidden

It is not allowed by law in Germany to publish before and after pictures of cosmetic surgery online. Accordingly, this also applies to the topic of abdominoplasty. However, it goes without saying that when choosing a doctor in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery, patients want to be assured of good results beforehand. During the first consultation, you can view appropriately selected before and after photos without personal data. Care is taken to ensure that the initial situation and the desired result of the exemplary shots also correspond to your personal situation and your objectives. In close consultation with you,a realistic and beautiful result can be planned together.

Comprehensive specialist education and information is impossible without a comparative presentation. In order to comply with the duty to provide information pursuant to Section 630e para. 3 BGB, we therefore use simplified sketches of realistic treatment processes. Where possible, we explain the disadvantages and risks of an intervention with the greatest care and to the best of our knowledge and belief, with reference to scientifically based findings.

What could abdominoplasty financing look like for you?

You have already determined the price of the tummy tuck and would like to have the cosmetic surgery financed? We enlighten you on our page on the subject of credit for cosmetic surgery about all the points on this and give you even further tips. Of course, we will also be happy to advise you on the subject of financing your tummy tuck at CenterPlast in our consultation hours.

The experiences of our patients after an abdominoplasty

Many patients who have undergone tummy tucks at CenterPlast because of their desire for a flatter stomach have agreed to share their experiences with other patients. You can find testimonials and patient testimonials about their tummy tucks on popular medical review portals as well as Google reviews.

Check out our testimonials page to make sure you’re with the right doctor for your tummy tuck. There you will find bundled reviews, detailed reports as well as further information.

You ask – we answer: Frequently asked questions

What is the Brazilian tummy tuck technique?

A slim waist is generally perceived as particularly attractive [4]. In countries with tropical weather like Brazil, unflattering body contours cannot be concealed under several layers of clothing. These circumstances, coupled with the skill and creativity of Brazilian surgeons, may provide an explanation as to why most tummy tuck techniques have been described by Brazilian plastic surgeons:

Saldanha Oswaldo Ribeiro has disseminated a technique that contours the waist through extensive liposuction, especially in areas where fat cannot be trained away. Another representative of plastic surgery from Brazil, Avelar Juarez Moraes has described several scar-saving techniques for a taut abdomen to leave very inconspicuous scars that can be easily hidden in the bikini area. Ricardo Baroudi has developed a special suturing technique to reduce complications (accumulation of wound water, wide scars).

A special focus of Brazilian plastic surgeons is the harmonious alignment of the adjacent region of the body, for example through a tightening of the mons veneris or an autologous fat treatment of the breast, for an optimal final result.

The author

Unsere Fachärzte für Plastische Chirurgie Saarbrücken
Dr. med. Stéphane Stahl

“We provide you with extensive expert knowledge so that we can work with you to select the best possible treatment path.”

Dr. med. Stéphane steel is the former director of the Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery / Hand Surgery at the Lüdenscheid Clinic. Dr. Stahl studied medicine at the Universities of Freiburg and Berlin. In 2011 he passed the European and 2012 the German specialist examination for plastic and aesthetic surgery. Further specialist qualifications and additional qualifications followed (including quality management, medical didactics, physical therapy, emergency medicine, laser protection officers, hand surgery) as well as prizes and awards. In 2015 he completed his habilitation in plastic and aesthetic surgery in Tübingen. He is an experienced microsurgeon, a sought-after expert and a regular speaker at specialist congresses. After a multi-stage selection process, Stéphane Stahl became a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), one of the world’s largest and most influential specialist societies for aesthetic surgery. His authorship includes numerous articles in respected peer review journals and standard surgical textbooks.


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