
Orthostatic folds

orthostatic = Greek right or balance (in the medical field “in an upright posture”)

Decreasing tissue firmness leads to a sagging of fat pads. Sagging cheeks are caused by the displacement of the fat pads in the cheeks and promote the formation of a nasolabial fold (fold between the corner of the mouth and nose). Depending on how pronounced the wrinkles are, they can be padded with tissue fillers or autologous fat and/or corrected with a facelift. A brow lift may be necessary to correct sagging eyebrows.


Gravity wrinkles

Treatment options

Lippen aufspritzen in Saarbrücken
Lippen aufspritzen
Augenringe unterspritzen
Behandlung der Nasobialfalten
Frau mit Marionettenfalten

Personal advice

We take time for you and offer you customized advice and treatment for your individual result.

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The CenterPlast

CenterPlast GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 36
66111 Saarbrücken

Telefon +49 681 30140055
E-Mail info@centerplast.de

Opening hours

Mo | Di
08.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr
08.00 Uhr – 13.00 Uhr
08.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr
09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr
Centerplast in Saarbrücken