Remove crow’s feet Saarland

How do crow’s feet develop?

People communicate on all sensory levels. The focus is on the eyes. A look says more than a thousand words. When they meet someone for the first time, both men and women judge the attractiveness of the other person by their appearance. Large, round eyes and soft skin look particularly attractive. The elasticity of the skin and muscles at the outer corner of the eye can decrease over the course of life or due to congenital factors. Exposure to sunlight and pollution in the air we breathe reduce the skin’s elasticity. The content of elastin, proteoglycans and water decreases with age. The skin is under the influence of alternating tension and relaxation of the eye muscles. Over the years, fibroblasts and collagen fibers orient themselves parallel to the direction of traction. The skin becomes tired and deeper and deeper skin folds appear. The wrinkle lines gradually run from the outer corner of the eye to the temple. Cosmetics hardly influence the processes under the skin.

Sketch of a woman with crow's feet

Injecting small amounts of a muscle relaxant into the outer round eye muscles relaxes overactive muscle parts. Crow’s feet can be reliably corrected or reduced with the active ingredient. The facial expression appears more relaxed.

What our patients say

    Information at a glance

    Duration of treatment - Icon

    Duration of treatment

    15 minutes

    Anesthesia - Icon


    Anesthetic cream / vibration anesthesia

    Hospitalization - Icon



    Socially acceptable - Icon

    Socially acceptable


    Additions or alternatives - Icon

    Additions or alternatives


    Doctor shows the difference between laugh lines and crow's feet

    Smile lines recede with a neutral facial expression. They are a sign of joie de vivre. Facial wrinkles convey emotions such as anger, sadness or tiredness. As the skin ages, the wrinkle lines remain. The wrinkles simulate feelings that the person concerned does not experience. Crow’s feet are deep, permanent wrinkles around the eyes that give the face a tired look. Crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles and frown lines are among the three most commonly perceived facial wrinkles. Studies suggest that treating these facial wrinkles has a positive effect on mood.

    How are crow’s feet treated?

    Injecting small amounts of a muscle relaxant into the outer round eye muscles relaxes overactive muscle parts. The overlying skin comes to rest and smoothes out. The treatment of facial wrinkles using muscle-relaxing active ingredients is by far the most common aesthetic treatment. Crow’s feet can be reliably corrected or reduced with the active ingredient. The facial expression appears more relaxed.

    Side effects are rarely to be expected. If carried out correctly, patients are very satisfied after this treatment. This makes it possible to remove your crow’s feet.

    How is the treatment of crow’s feet carried out?

    Treatment with a muscle relaxant in the CenterPlast practice is always preceded by a comprehensive examination and consultation. The muscle-relaxing medication A is produced as a dry substance. In vials, it is dissolved and diluted with saline solution before use. The specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery will ask you to tense your facial muscles to the maximum in order to identify the injection points. While squinting your eyes, mark the points with an eyeliner pencil. Anesthesia is not usually required for treatment with the muscle relaxant. The cannulas used have a diameter of 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters, so that the puncture is hardly painful. The active ingredient is administered into the muscle via two to three punctures per side.

    Treatment of crow's feet

    Your expert for the removal of crow’s feet

    Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl

    What should I bear in mind when treating crow’s feet with a muscle relaxant?

    The following hygiene measures are always observed at CenterPlast Saarbrücken:

    • Clean work surfaces treated with a disinfectant.
    • Hygienic hand disinfection.
    • Use only sterile disposable syringes and disposable cannulas.
    • The use of sterile single-dose ampoules.
    • Checking the original closure for integrity and the expiry date.
    • A thorough alcohol-based skin disinfectant.
    • Storage of the preparations in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions under temperature control and documentation.

    Naturally, we only use approved medicines whose quality, purity and manufacturing process have been verified by the European Medicines Agency.

    For whom is treatment of crow’s feet with a muscle relaxant suitable?

    In 2017, over five million treatments with a muscle-relaxing active ingredient were carried out worldwide. Every patient undergoing aesthetic treatment has personal and individual needs. Medium to deep crow’s feet appear between the ages of 35 and 65.

    Treatment with muscle-relaxing preparations can help to give you a fresh and rested appearance. For safety reasons, treatment with the substance should be avoided during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. The treatment should not be carried out if blood thinners have previously been taken or if there is a tendency to scar growths. Treatment is not recommended in any case if the patient has an immunodeficiency or rare neurological diseases (e.g. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome). Allergies to muscle relaxants are possible, but very rare.

    What should you consider before treating crow’s feet with a muscle relaxant?

    Treating crow’s feet with a muscle relaxant is uncomplicated and quick. You can return to your normal daily routine immediately after the treatment. The areas to be treated are disinfected before use. Therefore, do not apply make-up before a treatment.

    What should you consider after treatment of crow’s feet?

    Some doctors recommend that patients should not lie down for six hours after treatment to reduce the likelihood of the muscle relaxant spreading undesirably. In fact, there is no evidence that a change of position can lead to unwanted spread. The active ingredient is absorbed by the nerve cells five to ten minutes after it comes into contact with the nerve cells. Unintentional spread is therefore unlikely.

    Many doctors suggest massaging the treated areas to increase the absorption of the muscle-relaxing active ingredient and prevent swelling. However, other doctors advise caution in order to prevent unwanted spread. There are currently no studies on the effects or side effects of massaging the injection points. The plastic surgeons at the CenterPlast practice therefore recommend that you behave as normal.

    Cooling is often used after treatment with muscle relaxants. The cooling leads to a constriction of the vessels and reduces the pain after the injection as well as the risk of swelling. At twenty degrees Celsius, the active ingredient cannot penetrate the cells. Cooling can therefore impair the effectiveness of the treatment. We therefore recommend short-term cooling if the skin reacts sensitively to the puncture.

    Discussion of the indications after treatment of crow's feet

    What can you expect during a consultation about crow’s feet?

    During the initial consultation, your goals are discussed and the characteristics that set you apart are examined in detail. Your skin elasticity, the type of wrinkles, the number of wrinkles and the depth of wrinkles are analyzed. Changes to the skin caused by sunlight, vascular markings or facial asymmetry are taken into account during the planning process. The elasticity of the lower eyelid is also examined in order to prevent the lower eyelid from drooping after treatment.

    The contours of the face and facial proportions are evaluated in order to achieve a natural and balanced treatment result. A treatment plan is drawn up that takes your priorities into account. The plastic surgeons will explain the expected results and possible risks to you in detail. Photos are taken before and two weeks after the treatment to monitor success.

    Discussion of the risks after treatment of crow's feet

    What are the risks of treating crow’s feet?

    Treatment with muscle relaxants is very low-risk. Occasionally the punctures cause skin irritation, which disappears after a few minutes. If a vessel is injured during the injection, a haematoma may occur, which will disappear after a few days. A lowering of the lower eyelid or asymmetry may occur. Larger quantities of the preparation (100 to 700 E) are used to relieve muscle cramps. Undesirable effects such as antibody formation and headaches can occur. These side effects are very unlikely in the treatment of crow’s feet (20 E). Symmetries can occur. Larger quantities of the preparation (100 to 700 E) are used to relieve muscle cramps. Undesirable effects such as antibody formation and headaches can occur. These side effects are very unlikely in the treatment of crow’s feet (20 E).

    How much muscle relaxant do I need to treat crow’s feet?

    The larger the muscle to be relaxed, the larger the amount of muscle relaxant required. Therefore, men generally need a little more product. If the treatment is repeated, the muscle mass may decrease. A smaller amount of the substance may then be sufficient to achieve the desired result.

    Can treatment of crow’s feet with a muscle relaxant be combined with other procedures?

    The combination of microneedling, therapy with the body’s own blood and a muscle relaxant is particularly beneficial for the treatment of sun-damaged skin. The elasticity of the skin can be positively influenced by a microneedling treatment and plasma therapy. Deeper skin wrinkles can be smoothed with hyaluronic acid injections (filler) or a nanofat treatment.

    Explanation of muscle relaxants for the treatment of crow's feet

    Why treat crow’s feet at CenterPlast Saarbrücken?

    The injection technique and a certain amount of experience are important for the success of a treatment. However, treatment with a muscle relaxant also has its limits. Only those who have a broad and profound knowledge in the field of aesthetic facial surgery can provide you with competent advice. A more experienced specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery will not withhold an alternative and possibly more effective method from you. The plastic surgeons at the CenterPlast practice are experts in a wide range of treatments and can therefore provide you with the best information about the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method.

    Dr. Santos Stahl and Privatdozent Dr. Stahl strive for a natural appearance that matches your inner state. The CenterPlast practice offers minimally invasive and state-of-the-art treatment procedures.

    Treatment with muscle-relaxing agents requires detailed knowledge of the facial anatomy. Dr. Santos Stahl holds Brazilian, German and European specialist qualifications in plastic and aesthetic surgery. She specialized for four years in the field of facial surgery in Stuttgart and a further year in the field of ear surgery in Paris. She later perfected her techniques with the most influential plastic surgeons in Dallas, Oakland and Salt Lake City – thanks to a scholarship from the largest professional association of plastic surgeons in Germany (VDÄPC).

    Any doctor can call themselves a “cosmetic surgeon”, “plastic surgeon” or “aesthetic surgeon”. The plastic and aesthetic surgeons at CenterPlast have a long and excellent training record. The anti-aging industry makes many promises. Our recommendations are fact-based. The doctors at CenterPlast have carried out many high-quality and independent scientific studies and are currently conducting various clinical studies.

    Dr. Santos Stahl and Privatdozent Dr. Stahl attach great importance to safety and quality. We will be happy to advise you individually and personally.

    How much does crow’s feet removal cost?

    Treatment with muscle relaxants is invoiced transparently and comprehensibly in accordance with the scale of fees for doctors. A consultation fee is charged for the initial consultation, the examination, the preparation of a treatment plan and the consultation.

    Our before and after pictures of a crow’s feet treatment

    The Therapeutic Products Advertising Act prohibits the publication of before and after pictures on the Internet. We will be happy to show you photos during the consultation to show you the possibilities and limitations of treatment with muscle relaxants.

    Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl has a unique international perspective with a female view of plastic surgery. Your individual and detailed approach is the key to the beautiful and natural results. Having trained in Brazil, one of the largest and best-known countries for aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, she understands her patients’ desire to look and feel their best.

    She completed her medical studies and training as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery in Brazil. In 2009, she also successfully passed the German equivalence examinations for the state medical examination.

    Two years later, in 2011, she received the German and in 2012 the EU specialist certification (EBOPRAS) for plastic surgery. From 2009 to 2013, she deepened her knowledge of aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery with world-renowned representatives of plastic surgery such as Professor Gubisch at the Marienhospital and Madame Firmin in Paris.

    A VDÄPC Fellowship (continuing scholarship for graduate students) in Switzerland, France and the USA has further enriched her professional experience. Dr. Santos Stahl is active in various renowned professional associations. In addition to the DGPRÄC and DGBT, she is also a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – SBCP.

    She is also the author of several scientific articles and, together with her husband, is dedicated to research and clinical studies in the field of plastic surgery.

    She has been based in Saarbrücken since 2019.

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    09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr13.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr
    Centerplast in Saarbrücken