Lower eyelid lift in Saarbrücken
In youth, the skin around the eyes is flawlessly smooth. The transition from the lower eyelid to the cheek follows a harmonious S-curve in the half profile. Eye wrinkles form when the skin loses its elasticity. When the soft tissues of the face sag and lose volume, dark circles, tear troughs or bags under the eyes form. Anti-aging wrinkle creams cannot stop this development. Wrinkles under the eyes make us look older than we feel. Shadows under the eyes also make us look tired.
What our patients say
Information at a glance
Operation duration
approx. 90 minutes
6 weeks
Local anesthesia / twilight sleep
Thread tension
Self-dissolving threads
Socially acceptable
after 2 weeks
Additions or alternatives

What is a lower eyelid lift?
Excess skin and muscle is removed during an eyelid lift. In addition, the removal of excess fatty tissue can be helpful in eyelid correction. To soften the shadows of tear troughs and correct the contours of bags under the eyes, the fat pads are moved over the lower bone edge of the eye socket. The scar is partially covered by the lower eyelid lashes and can be hidden in the smile lines at the outer corner of the eyelid. If there are no eye wrinkles, the eyelid lift is performed on the inside of the lower eyelid (transconjunctival). No externally visible scar remains after this wrinkle treatment.
What changes can affect the radiance of the eyes?
Dark circles:
Dark circles develop in the border area between two fat pads: the pad behind the eye ring muscle and that of the eye socket. Between these two lies a ligament that creates a connection between the skin and the lower edge of the eye socket. The superficial fat pads of the face shift downwards with advancing age. In the area of the above-mentioned ligament, an arch-shaped indentation is created, which is called an eye ring. Swelling of the tissue can increase the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
Tear troughs:
Tear troughs develop in a similar way to dark circles. The indentation runs below the inner corner of the eye between the eye ring muscle, the upper lip and nasal wing elevator and the upper lip elevator. Tear troughs are referred to in English as “nasojugal groove” or “tear trough deformity”. As with dark circles, the treatment is carried out by loosening a band at the lower edge of the eye socket. In addition, a tear trough is corrected by loosening the above-mentioned muscle attachments and free grafting of a fat body.
Bags under the eyes:
Bags under the eyes are caused by a loss of volume in the deep fat pads of the face and the sagging of the fat pad behind the eye ring muscle. The skin is firmly attached to the zygomatic bone by a ligament. The overlying fat pad lies over the ligament and leads to a bag-shaped bulge. The English term for bags under the eyes is “festoons” or “malar bags”.
In the early stages, these changes are only visible as fluid shifts in the evening or in the morning. Sleep, rest, a healthy diet, exercise and good skin care are important. A lower eyelid correction can alleviate or correct these signs of ageing or familial predispositions.
What different problems can occur?
1. formation of drooping eyelids
2. formation of lower eyelid wrinkles due to loss of skin elasticity
3. formation of bags under the eyes above the edge of the bone due to slackening of the connective tissue wall of the eye socket (“eyelid bags”)
4. formation of dark circles under the edge of the bone due to sagging of the skin and atrophy of the fatty tissue (“tear trough”) Supporting ligament: orbicularis retaining ligament, orbitomalar ligament, arcus marginalis
5. formation of a swelling above the zygomatic bone due to water retention and slackening of the supporting ligaments (“festoons”, “malar mounds”, “malar bags”)

The structure around the eyes & eyelid
1st eyebrow
2. fat pad of the eye socket
3. blood vessel supplying the eye
4. eye ring muscle
5. eyelid cartilage (eyelid plate, tarsus palpebrae)
6. optic nerve
7. connective tissue sheath of the eye (capsulopalpebral fascia)
8. connective tissue wall of the eye socket (orbital septum)
9. fat pad of the eye socket
10. inferior oblique eye muscle (Musculus obliquus inferior oculi)
11. bone edge of the eye socket (zygomatic bone)
12. fat pad behind the eye ring muscle
13. supporting ligament: orbicularis oculi ligament (zygomaticocutaneous ligament)
14. superficial buccal fat body
15. greater zygomaticus muscle (zygomaticus major)
Procedure for lower eyelid correction

Immediately before the eyelid lift, the surgeon will discuss all the important issues and the procedure with you again. The entire surgical team checks several times whether all the requirements for the surgical removal of deep wrinkles under the eyes are met. This ensures maximum patient safety. Only when all the specialists, the surgeon, the anesthetist and the surgical specialists give the green light is the wrinkle treatment method started.

The OP
During a so-called twilight sleep, you will be given medication that reduces the sensation of pain and at the same time takes away your fear. Beforehand, the plastic surgery expert marks the planned small incisions on the skin and checks the surgical planning again. The local anesthetic contains adrenaline to prevent bruising (tumescent technique). The injection is made into the area around the eye and the lower eyelid. The surgical site is numb within 5 to 10 minutes. If you are not already fast asleep, you will only feel that something is going on in your eyes.
The aesthetic plastic surgeon wears magnifying glasses in order to be able to work with maximum precision. In the case of excess skin on the lower eyelid, an approach is made parallel to the edge of the eyelid up to the laugh lines. The underlying fat pads are redistributed as required. If the lower eyelid is slack, the eyelid frenulum is fixed to the periosteum of the lateral eye socket. The excess skin is gently removed. Dark circles without excess thin skin are corrected via an incision on the inside of the lower eyelid. Finally, the wound edges are sutured and a small dressing is applied. The local anesthesia lasts beyond the removal of bags under the eyes and the eyelid lift. The duration of the operation for both lower eyelids is approx. 90 minutes.

After the procedure
You will find out how to proceed immediately after the eyelid lift and which aftercare measures are recommended during your consultation with the surgeon.
What alternatives are there to surgery? Lower eyelid correction without surgery
Of course, patients usually want to be informed about all non-surgical measures before deciding on a surgical lower eyelid lift. The individual types of treatment are briefly presented below and the advantages and disadvantages compared to lower eyelid lifting / lacrimal sac surgery are discussed. Further information can be found on the link to the treatment’s own page, if we offer it.
Fractional CO2 laser treatment
However, laser treatment does not reduce wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes to any great effect. This is limited to the surface of the skin during laser treatment. The smoothing of the top layer of skin lasts for around two years. Laser therapy is not suitable for bags under the eyes, dark circles and tear troughs. We are happy to recommend specialists for laser therapies.
Injecting dark circles under the eyes
Wrinkles under the eyes can be concealed with hyaluronic acid injections. The skin around the eyes is the finest on the whole body. There is therefore a risk that palpable and visible irregularities in the skin will remain after the minimally invasive treatment in the form of an injection. The body builds up hyaluron over time. The effect of fillers also fades after twelve to eighteen months. Your fresh appearance is therefore limited in time with this treatment method.
Treatment with the body’s own processed blood against eye wrinkles
Treatment with the patient’s own blood, also known as vampire lifting, leads to an increase and renewal of epidermal cells, especially in combination with microneedling. Different types of collagen and elastin are essential building blocks of connective tissue. The proportions of the various collagens in the skin are improved and the elastin content is increased. The blood supply to the skin also increases. We recommend plasma treatment and microneedling for young patients, for mild tear troughs or gentle dark circles under the eyes and for small wrinkles in the skin.
Muscle relaxants against eye wrinkles
Treatment with muscle-relaxing preparations reduces dynamic wrinkles. Treatment with the active ingredient is particularly effective against crow’s feet, as they are mimic wrinkles. Dark circles, tear troughs or natural eyelid wrinkles cannot be effectively corrected with this active ingredient.
What are the advantages of a lower eyelid lift?
The eyes have a decisive influence on facial expression. The removal of dark circles, the so-called bags under the eyes or tear troughs, makes you look fresher and younger. The removal of eyelid wrinkles rejuvenates the entire facial expression. The correction of pronounced bags under the eyes helps to create a harmonious transition from the lower eyelid to the cheek.

Our before and after pictures of eye wrinkle surgery
The comparative pictorial representation of the success of treatment using before and after photos may not be published on the Internet in accordance with Section 1 (1) No. 2 of the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act. Nevertheless, before/after images can be used to inform patients. We will be happy to show you before and after pictures as part of a personal consultation to show you the possibilities and limitations of cosmetic surgery. It goes without saying that we comply with all statutory data protection regulations.
Frequently asked questions
All your questions about possible complications and alternative treatments should be answered before the operation. The topics are discussed in detail in the consultation meetings.
After a lower eyelid lift, it is important to follow the practice’s instructions. The specialist surgeon treating you will inform you about all precautionary measures and the entire aftercare.
We focus on the expression of your eyes. An eyelid lift will make you look fresher and more rested. However, you do not become a different person. A positive result means that your fellow human beings notice that you look better without recognizing any signs of surgery.
From the age of forty, the first signs of ageing usually appear in the eye. In exceptional cases, such changes can occur earlier due to genetic influences. People then try to cover up these wrinkles with make-up.
Unfavorable conditions for lower eyelid correction are dry eyes, thyroid disease and the use of blood-thinning medication. Each case must therefore be examined individually to determine whether you are suitable for treatment.
To achieve an aesthetic and natural result, we first ask you about your desired changes. Skin wrinkles, dark circles, tear troughs and bags under the eyes can make you look tired and worn out. In order to identify and prevent any risks in good time, Dr. Santos Stahl will ask for information on the following topics:
- Poor eyesight (correction with glasses or contact lenses)
- Pre-existing conditions (high blood pressure, diabetes, coagulation disorders, thyroid disease, glaucoma)
- Previous operations, especially eye operations
- Allergies and
- Medication intake.
Please let us know if you smoke or take dietary supplements. These factors have an important influence on your operation.
The skin, the palpebral fissure, the symmetry, the position of the eyebrows, the position of the eye and the elasticity of the eyelid are examined in detail. The force of the eyelid lift is measured. The elasticity of the lower eyelid and the function of the eye muscles are checked. Your surgeon will discuss the possibilities and limitations of the treatment options with you. The surgeon will show you various treatment alternatives and the associated risks and restrictions. Dark circles under the eyes, crow’s feet, frown lines, wrinkles between the nostrils and corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds) or bulging fatty tissue have an effect on appearance. For a harmonious overall result, each change should be treated specifically. During the consultation, you will receive all the information you need to decide which treatment is right for you. It is very important to discuss your expectations openly with your surgeon. Often a poorly informed patient or surgeon is the cause of an unsatisfactory result, even if there are no complications during the operation.
Dr. Santos Stahl will discuss all the details of the procedure with you, including the type of anaesthetic used, follow-up insurance, preparatory measures and what to do after the procedure. It provides you with a transparent and comprehensible breakdown of the costs of a lower eyelid lift.
If you are unsure or do not feel fully informed, do not hesitate to ask your doctor questions. It is not uncommon for questions to arise afterwards. At the end of the initial consultation, we will be happy to offer you a second consultation. It is very important to us that all your questions are answered before the operation.
If you suffer from dry eyes, we recommend that you have a so-called Schirmer test carried out by an ophthalmologist.
If you would like to find out the cost of a lower eyelid lift quickly and easily, use our price calculator now. We will also be happy to advise you on financing options without obligation.

Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl
Our aim is to offer optimal, discreet and precise treatment based on our extensive expertise in the field of plastic surgery.
Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl has a unique international perspective with a female view of plastic surgery. Your individual and detailed approach is the key to the beautiful and natural results. Having trained in Brazil, one of the largest and best-known countries for aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, she understands her patients’ desire to look and feel their best.
She completed her medical studies and training as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery in Brazil. In 2009, she also successfully passed the German equivalence examinations for the state medical examination.
Two years later, in 2011, she received the German and in 2012 the EU specialist certification (EBOPRAS) for plastic surgery. From 2009 to 2013, she deepened her knowledge of aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery with world-renowned representatives of plastic surgery such as Professor Gubisch at the Marienhospital and Madame Firmin in Paris.
A VDÄPC Fellowship (continuing scholarship for graduate students) in Switzerland, France and the USA has further enriched her professional experience. Dr. Santos Stahl is active in various renowned professional associations. In addition to the DGPRÄC and DGBT, she is also a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – SBCP.
She is also the author of several scientific articles and, together with her husband, is dedicated to research and clinical studies in the field of plastic surgery.
She has been based in Saarbrücken since 2019.
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