Liposuction on the legs Saarland

Liposuction on the legs

Slender legs have a particularly seductive effect. Despite a diet plan, sport and leg exercises, fat reserves on the legs are only broken down very late or not at all1. Liposuction can be used to remove excess fatty tissue from the hips or knees. Liposuction under local tumescent anesthesia is considered effective and low-risk. The procedure is one of the most common plastic surgery operations worldwide2.

What our patients say

    Information at a glance

    Operation duration - Icon

    Operation duration

    2 hours

    Aftercare - Icon


    6 weeks

    Anesthesia - Icon


    Twilight sleep

    Thread tension - Icon

    Thread tension

    Self-dissolving threads

    Hospitalization - Icon



    Socially acceptable - Icon

    Socially acceptable

    after 5 days

    Additions or alternatives - Icon

    Additions or alternatives

    Thigh lift

    Why liposuction on the legs?

    Many women with curvy legs feel severely restricted in their choice of clothes. Some people find wearing legless dresses or a swimsuit oppressive. Common problem areas of the legs are fat deposits on the hips, inner thighs or knees. Women as well as men of all ages across all cultures perceive bulging hips as unattractive3.

    If you have curvy thighs, the rubbing together of the inner thighs is particularly annoying. The friction between the inner thighs can also cause skin problems4.

    Excess fat on the inside of the knees affects the aesthetic perception of the legs. On the one hand, the fat deposits on the inside of the knees reinforce the impression of bow legs. On the other hand, fat pads on the knees tend to make women look stockier5.

    Your experts for liposuction

    Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl
    Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl
    Dr. Stephane Stahl
    PD. Dr. Stéphane Stahl

    Liposuction procedure


    • During the first detailed consultation, all treatment options will be discussed with you and you will receive a personalized offer.
    • It is not uncommon for questions to arise after the first consultation. It has therefore proven to be a good idea to discuss the procedure on the day of the operation and the appointment in a second appointment.
    Dr. med. Adalena Santos-Stahl und Dr. Stéphane Stahl befinden sich gemeinsam im OP-Saal und operieren einen Patienten.

    The OP

    • The plastic surgery expert will welcome you on the day of your operation. After a brief review of the surgical plan, the anesthesiologist, who is part of the surgical team, begins preparations for the operation.
    • The excess fatty tissue is gently suctioned out while you sleep. It only takes a few minutes to wake up from the light twilight sleep.
    • After you have rested, the plastic and aesthetic surgeon will give you a detailed report and offer you appointments for follow-up examinations.
    • Minor bruising (bruises) usually disappear after seven to ten days. Compression garments, elevation of the legs and light movement exercises usually help to reduce swelling after two to three months.
    • The healing process of the body tissue differs slightly depending on age and state of health. After six to twelve months, it can be assumed that the result will no longer change.

    After the procedure

    • Schedule three to four check-ups after the operation to monitor the healing process.
    • If you feel well, you can drive short distances the very next day after the operation.
    • Walks of about 15 minutes are definitely beneficial to stimulate the circulation. Avoid strenuous physical activity and sport for the first two weeks, not just the first few days.
    • A five-minute shower is easily possible on the first day after the operation. Remove the plasters before showering and dry your legs with a fresh towel after showering. Disinfect the plastered areas before applying a new plaster.
    • Wearing compression pants promotes rapid decongestion and helps to prevent thrombosis. We recommend that you wear the compression pants day and night for a period of two to six weeks, depending on the degree of swelling.
    • The smallest threads of skin are removed after about ten days.
    • Smoking tobacco cigarettes or e-cigarettes jeopardizes the final result of the operation. You should therefore strictly avoid smoking for at least six weeks after the operation.
    • Also make sure you eat a balanced diet.

    Which legs are perceived as beautiful?

    The length and size of the legs vary depending on your physique and fitness level. There are no ideal values in terms of length and circumference. Nevertheless, certain characteristics, proportions and reference values influence the assessment of the attractiveness of women and men:

    • The inner contours of the female legs are almost straight6.
    • The lateral and rear contours of the calves have a slight curve.
    • Both women and men prefer legs between 46 and 47 percent of their height78.
    • For women, the length of the leg from the back of the knee to the heel should ideally be 26 percent of body height9.
    • An attractive calf circumference for women is 32 cm, or about 75 percent of leg length or slightly less than a fifth of body height1011.

    Liposuction methods

    Liposuction on the thigh

    The circumference of the thighs can increase regardless of body weight. Excess fat usually accumulates on the inside or outside of the thighs. It is therefore important to determine the distribution and thickness of the fatty tissue during the examination. With the following measures, we ensure that the best possible surgical result is achieved:

    • All appliances and materials meet the highest hygiene and safety standards.
    • Cosmetic surgery is performed exclusively by highly trained and experienced specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery.
    • We use particularly gentle and effective techniques such as vibration-assisted liposuction.
    • We discuss all treatment alternatives with you for a holistically harmonious and optimal result.
    • We develop a treatment plan that is geared towards your goals.
    • At the beginning of the operation, the tissue is injected with an anesthetic and vasoconstrictor solution.
    • Before liposuction (liposuction), the fatty tissue is loosened using fine vibrating cannulas.
    • We use particularly fine cannulas for defined, smooth contours.
    • We accompany you after the operation to ensure an undisturbed healing process.

    Liposuction of the hips

    Under the influence of oestrogen, the fat cells on the hips become larger12. This is why young women in particular suffer from saddlebags before the menopause.

    Women have more and smaller fat cells on their hips than men13. Compared to the fat cells in the abdomen, the fat cells in the hips are larger and consume more oxygen. The fat cells on the hips are characterized by a special metabolism and their reaction to certain hormones14.

    Liposuction of the fat on the hips permanently removes enlarged fat cells in the deeper layer of fatty tissue. We use a particularly gentle procedure to smooth the contours of the hips.

    Beautiful calves

    The contours of the calves are decisive for the harmonious and aesthetic appearance of the legs. Shapely calves are particularly attractive for women. The shape of the calf is determined by the structure and training condition of the calf muscles, the individual fat distribution and the length and position of the shinbone15.

    The calf circumference is usually measured in three places. For this purpose, the lower leg between the back of the knee and the heel can be divided into four equal sections. The circumferences are measured at the following transitions:

    • Between the first quarter close to the body and the second quarter (A)
    • At the middle of the lower leg (B)
    • Between the third quarter and the quarter away from the body (C)

    The maximum calf circumference is usually just below the point (A) and is around 32 centimeters. The circumference is about 26 centimeters in the middle and about 20 centimeters at point (C).16

    Calf augmentation

    Very slim calves give the impression of bow legs and can be a burden for both men and women. Underdevelopment of the calves can be corrected with a silicone implant or autologous fat treatment. The following advantages speak in favor of calf correction with autologous fat:

    • The procedure leaves hardly any visible scars.
    • The recovery time is shorter than with a calf implant.
    • The results look natural.
    • Unlike implants, there are no long-term side effects to worry about1718.

    Calf reduction

    Many women suffer from thick, muscular calves19. In women of normal weight Many women suffer from thick, muscular calves20. In women of normal weight, an increase in girth is divided into slight (34 to 38 centimeters), moderate (34 to 38 centimeters) and severe (over 38 centimeters). A difference in calf circumference of two centimeters or more is referred to as a side difference21. An enlargement of the calf muscle and increased subcutaneous fatty tissue can cause an increase in circumference22. Various techniques are available for calf reduction: liposuction of the calves and cauterization of enlarged calf muscles. Depending on the individual findings, these techniques can be performed individually or in combination.

    Liposuction on the calves

    If the fat layer of the lower leg is larger than three centimetres, liposuction contributes significantly to calf reduction. In contrast to the abdomen, calves only have one layer of fatty tissue between the skin and the muscle. Lymph vessels, nerves and veins run through here. A cautious approach is necessary to protect these structures and avoid causing irregularities. The fibrous nature of the fat and impaired lymphatic drainage favor the development of swelling after liposuction. We therefore recommend lymphatic drainage, massages and compression stockings for up to three months after the operation.

    Enlarged calf muscle

    With thick calves and little fatty tissue, calf reduction is achieved by tightening a muscle. The muscle relaxes with the injection of a muscle relaxant. But does liposuction leave scars? The answer is clear: no, the treatment leaves no small scars and also has very few side effects. The muscle-relaxing effect wears off after three months. With one repetition, the calf muscles become smaller over time23.

    Alternatively, the nerves of certain fibers of the calf muscles can be permanently interrupted. The relaxed muscle fibers become noticeably thinner after a few months. The treatment is accompanied by a small scar in the hollow of the knee and leads to permanent muscle relaxation24. The removal of bulging parts of the calf muscles is significantly more invasive and is therefore not recommended by us25.

    Liposuction on the inner thighs

    Liposuction gently and effectively improves the contours of young people with small fat deposits. If excess fatty tissue is removed, the skin must adapt to the slimmer circumference.

    The risk of skin sagging depends, among other things, on the condition of the fatty tissue and the skin. The elasticity of the skin on the inner thigh is lower than on other parts of the body26. There are also few collagen fibers on the inside of the thighs, which anchor the skin to the muscle fasciae27. The skin’s elasticity already decreases after the age of thirty28. If necessary, we recommend simultaneous skin tightening and liposuction of the inner thighs.

    The inner thighs are one of the preferred donor sites for autologous fat treatment, especially in younger women29. If there is a desire for fuller breasts or a beautiful buttock contour, the liposuctioned fatty tissue is processed and injected into the desired areas.

    Liposuction on the knee

    The accumulation of fatty tissue on the inside of the knees is largely genetically predetermined. Exercise and diet usually do not help here. Liposuction effectively and permanently removes excess fatty tissue. The scars are a few millimeters in size and barely visible. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and under twilight sedation.

    A misalignment of the knees, also known as bow legs, is emphasized by the fat pads on the knees. Many suffer from the appearance of bowed legs. The contours are corrected by liposuction and autologous fat treatment. The fat pads on the knees are removed and the fatty tissue below the knees is injected. The injection leaves no scars. You can move freely immediately after the operation. The results are permanent30.

    Liposuction for lipedema

    Lipedema is a disease in which there is an excessive deposition of fatty tissue. Contrary to the name of the disease, edema is only present in rare cases. The legs are usually affected, although the feet are always spared. Lipoedema is characterized by increased sensitivity to pain in the legs. Lipoedema can take on different forms, so that different degrees of pain can be felt. The course of the disease cannot be predicted.

    Lipoedema can be triggered and aggravated by weight gain. The cause is not known. However, hormonal and genetic influences are suspected. Lipedema almost exclusively affects women. There are no examination procedures or tests to confirm the diagnosis. Estimates of the incidence of lipedema vary widely between 0.1 and ten percent3132. Observational studies have shown that liposuction leads to lasting relief3334. Vibration-assisted liposuction using the tumescent technique is considered to be particularly gentle.

    Tumescent liposuction makes it easier to remove the fat cells from the tissue. We always use rounded, thin cannulas to reduce the risk of injury to vessels and nerves. For your safety, your body mass index should be below thirty before undergoing liposuction. Body weight, state of health and the amount of fat tissue removed by liposuction affect the surgical risks. To minimize the risks, larger amounts of fatty tissue are therefore removed in several procedures.

    Liposuction for lipedema

    Discussion with the doctor

    Liposuction against cellulite?

    Cellulite is a common change in the relief of the skin around the buttocks and the back of the thighs. Around eighty to ninety percent of women after puberty are affected35. Shortened connective tissue strands in the fatty tissue lead to the formation of dimples36. Weight fluctuations, hormones and a family predisposition are discussed as possible causes.

    There is no good scientific evidence for the long-term effects of creams (ginkgo biloba, retinol, caffeine, herbal extracts), lymphatic drainage, radiofrequency and the ultrasound-assisted method37. Surgical cutting of the shortened connective tissue cords has shown good and long-term success.38

    The anchoring of the skin to the underlying fascia can be loosened with a fine needle. The tissue strands can also be cut as part of liposuction using special cannulas and in combination with autologous fat treatment39. However, liposuction alone is not suitable for the treatment of cellulite. For thin and inelastic skin, a supplementary microneedling treatment is recommended.

    Is liposuction on the legs and other parts of the body such as the stomach, bottom or arms possible at the same time?

    The correction of fat deposits in several areas of the body in one procedure is usually possible and makes sense for several reasons. The combination of several procedures in one operation saves you the recovery time of another cosmetic operation. Performing several operations in one anesthetic is also more cost-effective. In the case of pronounced findings, liposuction is safer if it is divided into several procedures.

    The aspiration of 5 liters of fatty tissue or five percent of body weight is considered very safe.40 These limits may vary depending on your state of health. A frequently asked question is also whether liposuction on the legs can be combined with PO shaping or buttock augmentation. It is important to customize a plan according to your individual findings and goals. We therefore discuss the safest way to achieve your wishes with you before each treatment.

    Combination with autologous fat treatment of the breast

    In the case of liposuction on the legs, abdomen, back or arms, the suctioned fat can be transplanted to enlarge the breasts. The combination is a great advantage, as several problem areas are treated in one operation. In the first step, the desired amount of fat cells is harvested. Special cannulas and filter systems are used to extract the autologous fat. In the second step, the cells are injected with fine cannulas. Injections do not leave any scars. The oxygen and nutrients from the surrounding tissue ensure that the transplanted cells on the breast heal quickly. In the final stage of the operation, the legs are finely contoured using suitable cannulas.

    Are there any risks associated with liposuction on the legs?

    Liposuction is considered a very safe treatment. Complications occur in less than one percent of patients. Possible complications after liposuction include

    • The accumulation of wound water 0.04 percent
    • Larger bruises 0.03 to 0.15 percent
    • Inflammation in 0.1 to 0.02 percent
    • Thromboses 0.01 to 0.06 percent4142.

    Experience reports of liposuction on the legs

    Before undergoing medical treatment, patients usually want to make sure that the doctor they have chosen has extensive, long-term experience and expertise in the field. On the one hand, it is possible to read the curriculum vitae of the attending physician on the website. On the other hand, it has become common to make sure that you are in good hands by checking online patient testimonials and reviews on relevant medical portals and Google entries. The reviews provide an opportunity to get an average overall picture of the satisfaction of former patients. You will also find corresponding reviews of CenterPlast doctors, which we have also bundled on our homepage and a separate menu item for you to make your search easier.

    Liposuction on the legs vs. fat-away injection

    The so-called fat-away injection is used to reduce small fat deposits and is therefore not suitable for realizing the dream of slimmer legs by removing stubborn fat deposits. Further information on injection lipolysis can be found under fat-away injections.

    FAQ – Frequently asked questions

    Fat cells cannot multiply in adulthood. This means that liposuctioned fat cells are not replaced by the body. If the body absorbs more energy than it uses, the energy is stored in the body’s fat cells. As a result, the fat cells become larger. The ability of fat cells to store energy is not affected by liposuction. Liposuction therefore cannot prevent the body circumference from increasing with weight gain. However, the increase in circumference will be less in the suctioned regions than in other parts of the body.

    The aim of every anesthetic is to eliminate pain under the safest possible conditions. In contrast to other smaller local procedures with local anesthesia (topical anesthesia), a larger area is made less sensitive to pain. Liposuction under surface anesthesia, also known as tumescent anesthesia, or twilight sleep is safer than under general anesthesia43. General anesthesia is accompanied by the administration of large amounts of sleeping pills and artificial respiration. Patients who have undergone liposuction without general anesthesia recover more quickly and very rarely suffer from nausea. A sore throat as a result of artificial respiration is ruled out with the tumescent technique.

    If you would like to know how much liposuction on the legs costs, please contact us.

    If you do not currently have the financial resources to realize your dream of slim legs, there are various financing options for cosmetic surgery. We would be happy to explain this to you in a personal consultation.

    It is not only the prices that can differ from country to country. The safety and hygiene standards, the qualifications of the medical staff and the technical equipment do not necessarily comply with German guidelines either. For follow-up care after treatment in Istanbul/Turkey or Prague/Czech Republic, you should plan for additional travel costs. If the price is more important than anything else, you should consider whether the aesthetic plastic surgeon can be contacted if you are not satisfied, i.e. if the result does not meet your expectations.

    Under certain conditions, health insurance will cover the costs of liposuction for stage three lipedema. At this stage, liposuction usually has to be performed in two to three operations. The tightening of excess skin is not covered by health insurance.

    A distinction must be made between adipose tissue and water when specifying the suctioned volume. Before liposuction of the legs, three to nine liters of water (tumescent solution) are injected, depending on the treatment goals and body weight. This tumescent solution anesthetizes the body region and prevents the development of bruising. Together with the fatty tissue, a large part of the fluid is also suctioned out during the aesthetic operation. The body fat usually corresponds to 30 to 50 percent of the total fluid aspirated. It is recommended to limit the amount of liposuctioned fat tissue to five liters or five percent of body weight44. These limits may change depending on your state of health.

    High heels increase a woman’s attractiveness.

    Wearing high heels makes legs look longer and is perceived as more attractive. Interestingly, women are more sensitive to the sexual attractiveness and length of their legs than men45

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