Removing stretch marks

Stretch marks on the breast

Stretch marks develop under the influence of hormones by stretching and tearing the elastic fibers of the skin. Rapid breast growth, pregnancy or weight gain put the skin on the breasts at particular risk. The sudden appearance of red stripes on the chest can be frightening. Vitamin A treatment can provide relief. Significant improvements are possible with needling treatments.

What our patients say

How is breast needling treatment carried out?

An anesthetic cream is applied to the affected skin surface. You will then be given medication to relieve your anxiety and reduce your sensitivity to pain. If you are not already sleeping relaxed, you may feel that something is going on on the surface of your body.

The areas are treated with very fine needles to stimulate the body’s own collagen production.

The outpatient procedure takes about 45 minutes. Immediately after the operation, you will be continuously monitored in our recovery room. Once you are fully awake, you can drink some fluids and, if you tolerate it well, you can also eat some food. Joint check-up appointments are then arranged. The recommended behavioral measures are explained to you in detail. Before leaving the practice, you will also receive a comprehensive written report and a telephone number to contact the surgeon 24 hours a day in an emergency.

Before, after and during the minor procedure, you can put on virtual reality goggles to watch movies or your favorite series. This is not only for your entertainment, but it has been proven that the distraction also leads to a reduction in your sensitivity to pain.

What do you need to consider after breast needling treatment?

  • This is followed by checks on your well-being and the results of your treatment at regular, agreed intervals.
  • After needling, the skin is kept moist with a dressing to prevent crust formation.
  • Skin oil containing vitamin A, C and E should be applied 3 times a day for the first week, then twice a day.
  • Shower with a disinfectant soap (e.g. Octenisan® Wash Lotion, Prontoderm® Shower Gel, HiBiScrub® Plus) from the first postoperative day.
  • Swelling and reddening of the skin are to be expected in the first 7 days. At the end of the 7 days, you can usually go back to work.
  • It is important not to cover the redness with make-up in the first week so that the make-up particles do not lead to a so-called scar tattoo.
  • Excessive UV radiation (sunbathing or tanning beds) should be avoided for at least a week. 3 months should be avoided.

Your experts for stretch mark removal

Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl
Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl
Dr. Stephane Stahl
PD. Dr. Stéphane Stahl

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The CenterPlast

CenterPlast GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 36
66111 Saarbrücken

Telefon +49 681 30140055

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08.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr
08.00 Uhr – 13.00 Uhr
08.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr
09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr
Centerplast in Saarbrücken