Nasolabial fold injections Saarland

Nasolabial fold: How they develop and how you can remove them

The so-called nasolabial fold between your nose and mouth fold divides anatomical regions of the face. Even though the nasolabial fold is closely related to facial expressions, it is categorized as a static rather than a mimic wrinkle. To the side of this nasolabial fold are the cheeks, which contain various fat pads and a layer of connective tissue (SMAS). Have you tried all the creams and alternative treatments without any results? Do you avoid photos, video calls and looking in the mirror? Would you like a youthful and fresh appearance again?

Look and feel years younger with nasolabial fold injections:

  • Rejuvenate your appearance
  • Pleasing yourself again
  • Increase attractiveness with a youthful center of the face
  • Professional advice

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    Information at a glance

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    Duration of treatment

    30 minutes

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    Anesthetic cream / vibration anesthesia / local anesthesia

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    Thread tension


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    Socially acceptable


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    Additions or alternatives

    Marionette pleats

    Marking the nasolabial fold

    What is the nasolabial fold?

    The upper lip on the other side of the nasolabial fold contains little subcutaneous fatty tissue and no separating layer of connective tissue.

    Four facial muscles are connected to the skin at the side of the nasolabial fold (levator labii superioris muscle, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle, levator anguli oris muscle and the zygomaticus major and minor muscles). Several factors influence the shape and depth of the nasolabial fold.

    Muscle tension, the amount and position of subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin elasticity all contribute to the formation of the nasolabial fold and can therefore promote deep nasolabial folds. These characteristics are in turn influenced by innate genetic predisposition, lifestyle habits, cigarette smoking and increased exposure to sunlight. A certain asymmetry is therefore completely natural with nasolabial folds.

    The appearance of the nasolabial fold has less to do with weight loss. Rather, these wrinkles are caused by the sagging of the cheek fat pads and the loss of skin elasticity. The latter is due to the natural ageing process: With age, the skin loses elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen.

    At what age do nasolabial folds appear?

    From the age of 40, important components of the skin, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, decrease. This often results in a nasolabial fold. In fair-skinned people, increased UV radiation and cigarette smoking, wrinkles start to develop from the age of 301.

    The depth and length of the nasolabial folds have a major influence on age estimation2. They are difficult to conceal with make-up.

    Nasolabial folds are one of the most frequently treated facial regions with fillers. A scientific study indicates that after injecting hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial folds, those affected appeared more attractive, more successful, more athletic and more self-confident3.

    Marking the nasolabial fold

    Procedure for nasolabial fold injections


    The entire anti-aging wrinkle injection takes about 30 to 45 minutes. For your comfort, a local anesthetic cream is applied before you have your nasolabial fold injected.

    Choosing the right hyaluronic acid and injecting it using the right technique are crucial for good results. The corners of the mouth should be taken into account when drawing up a treatment plan for the desired result. A profound knowledge of the anatomy is important and necessary in order not to injure the facial artery (facial artery), which is located below the nasolabial fold.

    The facial artery takes a tortuous course about one centimeter from the side of the corner of the mouth to the base of the nostril. The facial artery is located just below the skin near the wing of the nose.

    The treatment

    If necessary, a targeted local anesthetic can also be administered to the upper lip as part of the procedure using an injection with an appropriate active ingredient. The skin is surgically disinfected. The treatment is carried out under the strictest hygiene regulations. Depending on the depth of the wrinkle and the thickness of the skin, a hyaluronic acid gel with a moderate firmness (high modulus of elasticity) is suitable, which is injected deeply.

    For more discreet nasolabial folds or in addition for deep wrinkles, a more liquid hyaluronic gel is injected superficially (in the uppermost layers of the skin). This is how the nasolabial fold can be reduced or removed.

    After the treatment

    You will be given a cooling pad after the wrinkle injection to prevent reddening of the skin, possible slight swelling or bruising and to make them disappear.

    If you have a very pronounced nasolabial fold that is immediately visible when you look at it, hyaluronic acid injections can also be combined with other techniques without surgery. First, however, it can be analyzed what amount of hyaluronic acid is appropriate in your case. In some cases, it makes sense to also inject hyaluronic acid into the cheeks, for example, as this simulates a lift. This additionally raises the corners of the mouth and counteracts the undesirable pronounced facial expressions.

    In addition, there are of course several different methods and active ingredients to achieve a youthful appearance. Each case must be assessed individually to check whether a combination makes sense. Micro-needling with a narrow dermaroller or the use of a derma pen for precise spot treatments on smaller areas can also help your skin. There are also skin boosters, therapy with the body’s own blood or, in cases of particularly pronounced wrinkles between the mouth and nose, surgical procedures or measures may even be recommended to restore a youthful appearance.

    However, an immediately visible result can only be achieved with minimally invasive wrinkle injections using hyaluronic fillers. It is the most effective method. This is what makes these fillers from renowned manufacturers so popular. To receive an individual treatment plan tailored to your needs and wishes, simply arrange a personal consultation on site.

    Ten reasons why you are in safe hands with us:

    • Dr. Santos Stahl has a detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the face and many years of experience
    • A great deal of sensitivity is used to check whether a vessel has been damaged before injection
    • The fillers are injected gently, with the finest cannulas and with little pressure
    • Only atraumatic and fine needles (high-quality hollow needles) are used
    • The tissue is closely monitored during and after treatment
    • We always keep up-to-date and tested emergency equipment on hand so that we can react immediately
    • We follow emergency protocols according to current guidelines
    • Our patients are well informed and know what to look out for
    • Dr. Santos Stahl can also be reached by telephone after the wrinkle treatment in an emergency
    • At a follow-up appointment, we make sure that our patients are satisfied and happy
    Treatment of the nasobial fold

    How long do nasolabial fold injections last?

    Fillers are broken down by the body using oxygen radicals and an enzyme. The skin on our face is exposed to frequent movement. As a result, degradation can occur more quickly and the visible effect can wear off more quickly. The duration of the effect depends on the amount injected and the type of hyaluronic acid. The smoothing of the nasolabial fold lasts for 6 to 12 months.

    What are the risks of injecting nasolabial folds?

    If you are having your nasolabial folds injected, you are probably wondering about the risks, side effects and possible allergic reactions. In any case, seek advice and treatment from a qualified and experienced doctor who also attaches great importance to the careful selection of the appropriate and correct hyaluronic acid. This ensures safe treatment. The risks are increased if used improperly by non-qualified persons.

    High-quality products are just as important as expert application of the method. Too much volume, hyaluronic acid that is too firm or a very superficial hyaluronic acid treatment can lead to irregularities. In rare cases, the injected hyaluronic acid can be displaced to another location by the movement of the facial muscles.

    In rare cases, the hyaluron can find its way into the bloodstream and block a blood vessel. The risk is between 0.05 and 0.001 percent4. The cells in the terminal pathway then suffer a lack of oxygen and die. The first signs of this are severe pain, a change in skin color, swelling or visual field restrictions. In this case, you must contact your doctor immediately. Particular caution is required if the blood supply to the tissue has been altered by previous operations.

    Your expert for the nasolabial fold

    Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl

    Testimonials on hyaluronic acid injections for the nasolabial fold

    Before patients decide on an appropriate treatment and choose a suitable experienced expert for the treatment, they usually search the Internet for testimonials. People who have already undergone treatment at the practice in question explain in such reports whether they were satisfied with the service, the consultation and, of course, with the treatment and the result of their appearance. Patient voices can be very helpful. Ratings also provide an average overall picture of patient satisfaction. So visit our collection of experience reports, which brings all this together.

    Before and after pictures of a nasolabial fold injection

    Before patients decide on a non-surgical treatment for the nasolabial fold and thus for lifting the corners of the mouth, they often want to see before and after pictures of treatments that the practice has carried out. CenterPlast also offers the option of having treatment results shown to you. We would be happy to present these to you in a personal consultation.

    Frequently asked questions

    To treat a nasolabial fold that is not too pronounced, small amounts of hyaluronic acid are injected per side, around 0.5 to 1 milliliter, depending on the length and depth of the wrinkle. The tightening or lifting effect of a cheek injection can further smooth out the nasolabial fold and create a youthful cheek contour.

    After an initial treatment, further treatments can be arranged in more pronounced cases. The amount of filler required should always be based on the treatment plan. Precise planning is important before every injection and will be discussed with you during the consultation. In this meeting, we will of course also address your individual questions on the subject.

    Ask about the training and experience of the doctor you trust. Do not try to inject yourself with hyaluronic acid. Without precise knowledge of the anatomy of the facial muscles, nerves and blood vessels, the treatment can be very dangerous. They can suffer permanent scars, paralysis or blindness. Without surgical disinfection, there is a risk of severe inflammation. The US Food & Drugs Administration has therefore also established strict rules. Only approved fillers may be used by qualified doctors for certain applications. The health authority emphasizes: “The injection of fillers is a medical procedure and not a cosmetic treatment.”

    In some cases, people may develop a nasolabial fold on one side and thus a drooping corner of the mouth. This occurs, for example, in the case of partial fascial paresis, e.g. after a stroke. In this case, it can be advantageous or even sensible to inject the wrinkle on one side only in order to achieve the desired effect on one side only and thus restore symmetry.

    Alternatively, the attending physician can apply different amounts on both sides. This example illustrates the extent to which high-quality training is required for specialists in aesthetic medicine. Always choose experts in plastic and aesthetic surgery who have many years of proven professional experience. Only in the hands of experienced doctors can you be absolutely sure that the anatomy of your face is known exactly and that correct action will be taken in the event of unexpected complications.

    Before the first hyaluronic acid injection, an examination, information and a treatment plan are essential. You will receive an offer during the meeting. The cost of wrinkle injections is calculated on the basis of the amount of hyaluronic acid used. You can find an order of magnitude of the prices in advance for orientation on our costs page.

    Ask about the training and experience of the doctor you trust. Do not try to inject yourself with hyaluronic acid. Without precise knowledge of the anatomy of the facial muscles, nerves and blood vessels, the treatment can be very dangerous. They can suffer permanent scars, paralysis or blindness. Without surgical disinfection, there is a risk of severe inflammation. The US Food & Drugs Administration has therefore also established strict rules. Only approved fillers may be used by qualified doctors for certain applications. The health authority emphasizes: “The injection of fillers is a medical procedure and not a cosmetic treatment.”

    Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl has a unique international perspective with a female view of plastic surgery. Your individual and detailed approach is the key to the beautiful and natural results. Having trained in Brazil, one of the largest and best-known countries for aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, she understands her patients’ desire to look and feel their best.

    She completed her medical studies and training as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery in Brazil. In 2009, she also successfully passed the German equivalence examinations for the state medical examination.

    Two years later, in 2011, she received the German and in 2012 the EU specialist certification (EBOPRAS) for plastic surgery. From 2009 to 2013, she deepened her knowledge of aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery with world-renowned representatives of plastic surgery such as Professor Gubisch at the Marienhospital and Madame Firmin in Paris.

    A VDÄPC Fellowship (continuing scholarship for graduate students) in Switzerland, France and the USA has further enriched her professional experience. Dr. Santos Stahl is active in various renowned professional associations. In addition to the DGPRÄC and DGBT, she is also a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – SBCP.

    She is also the author of several scientific articles and, together with her husband, is dedicated to research and clinical studies in the field of plastic surgery.

    She has been based in Saarbrücken since 2019.

    1. Green AC., et al, 2011, Dermatology. 2011 ↩︎
    2. Fang RY, et al., 2020, J Cosmet Dermatol ↩︎
    3. Dayan S.H., et al., 2010, Dermatol Surg. ↩︎
    4. Beleznay K, et al. 2014, J Clin Aesthet Dermatol ↩︎

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    Centerplast in Saarbrücken