Venus mound reduction Saarland

Reduction of the mons veneris in Saarbrücken – shaping of the mons veneris

The female pubic mound (mons pubis) begins at the level of the pubic branch at about the level of the pubic hair and extends to the anterior junction of the two labia majora of the vagina. The youthful mons veneris is narrow and is characterized by good firm skin with high elasticity and moderate subcutaneous fat tissue.

A bulge in a woman’s mons veneris can be hereditary. With age, after pregnancy or after weight fluctuations, affected women may be left with excess skin in the genital area. This often results in discomfort and even pain during sexual intercourse as well as hygiene problems. Some women also feel ashamed of their own body due to an unsightly shape of the genital area. Do you also suffer from the appearance of your mons veneris? Do you want an intimate area that makes you feel completely comfortable?

Below we explain what you should know about a mons veneris reduction.

Feel good in every situation:

  • Individual advice
  • A body to fall in love with
  • Personal aftercare
  • Wear body-hugging jeans again

What our patients say

    Information at a glance

    Operation duration - Icon

    Operation duration

    1 hour

    Aftercare - Icon


    6 weeks

    Anesthesia - Icon


    Local anesthesia / twilight sleep

    Thread tension - Icon

    Thread tension

    Self-dissolving threads

    Hospitalization - Icon



    Socially acceptable - Icon

    Socially acceptable

    after 5-7 days

    Additions or alternatives - Icon

    Additions or alternatives


    What is a mons veneris reduction?

    Liposuction is usually used to reduce the size of a woman’s mons veneris. Excess fatty tissue is suctioned out of the affected area using fine cannulas to reduce the size of the mound and achieve the desired shape. For a harmonious overall appearance of the vagina and the surrounding areas of the body, it can sometimes be helpful to combine this liposuction with additional procedures. Depending on the severity, correction of the mons pubis region can be supplemented by a tightening of the abdominal wall (abdominoplasty) in order to maintain natural proportions.

    Some women decide to have several methods of aesthetic surgery on the female genitalia performed during one treatment appointment. Among other things, there are treatments to reduce the size of the labia minora and to enlarge the labia majora. This is often done to create symmetry in the labia and to create an aesthetic and harmonious overall female appearance. If the clitoris is enlarged, it is also possible to remove the excess skin on the clitoral hood (clitoral hood) and reduce the volume in appropriate cases.

    Procedure for a mons veneris reduction


    Before the operation begins, several routine checks are carried out to ensure that all the necessary precautions have been taken to maximize the patient’s safety. The procedure is only started once all the requirements have been met according to the checklist.

    If the procedure is carried out in twilight sleep, you will be given medication to take away your anxiety and greatly reduce your sensitivity to pain.

    This is followed by local anesthesia: the intimate surgery specialist injects a sterile physiological water-adrenaline solution with anesthetic (“tumescent local anesthesia”). The areas to be treated are numb within five to ten minutes. If you are not already fast asleep, you may feel that something is going on on the surface of your body. In the case of general anesthesia, the centrally acting painkillers replace the local anesthetic of the water-adrenaline solution.

    Dr. med. Adalena Santos-Stahl und Dr. Stéphane Stahl befinden sich gemeinsam im OP-Saal und operieren einen Patienten.

    The OP

    The marked areas are injected in order to operate more gently and to prevent the formation of bruising and contour irregularities (“tumescent technique”). Fine microcannulas are used to inject the tissue and suction out the fat. The skin incisions of around two to three millimeters are hidden in skin folds. After the tissue has been infiltrated and loosened, the surgeon performs liposuction. The excess fat is removed by vacuum using an aspiration cannula.

    The cannulas are inserted via several openings and guided in a fan shape to achieve as uniform a suction pattern as possible. If the skin is severely sagging, the mons pubis is tightened via a horizontal approach in the pubic hair area. The wounds are then sutured with fine stitches, which can be removed after about ten days. Finally, a compression bandage is applied. The dressing reduces swelling and pain and adapts the skin to the new contours.

    After the procedure

    Immediately after the reduction of the mons pubis, you will be continuously monitored in a so-called recovery room. As soon as you are fully awake after the intimate surgery procedure, you may drink something and, if you tolerate it well, eat something. You will be supported by our nursing staff when you go to the toilet for the first time. Before you leave the practice, check-up appointments will be arranged and the behavioral measures will be discussed with you in detail. You will be given a comprehensive written report and a telephone number where you can reach the surgeon 24 hours a day in an emergency.

    How much does a mons veneris reduction cost?

    In some cases, it is not a cosmetic operation on the vagina, but a procedure for medical reasons to eliminate certain, sometimes severe, complaints in women. During a personal consultation in the practice, the plastic surgeon will discuss any complaints with you. She asks you about your ideas and goals with regard to changing the size of the female pubic mound. She will also inform you clearly about the possible risks of a mons pubis reduction. In a personal consultation, you will also find out what costs you can expect in your case.

    Naturally, the costs can only be covered by health insurance in medically necessary cases.

    Discussion of the costs of treatment

    How can you prepare for a mons veneris reduction?

    • All your questions about possible complications and alternative treatments should be answered in advance.
    • The time of surgery should be as far away from menstruation as possible.
    • The genital area (pubic mound, vagina incl. clitoris and labia) should be free of infections, genital warts or inflammation.
    • Intimate shaving can lead to skin irritation or injury. To minimize the risk of inflammation, only electric clippers should be used in the week before the operation.
    • On the day of the operation, shower with a special disinfectant soap (e.g. HiBiScrub® Plus, Octenisan® Wash Lotion, Prontoderm® Shower Gel).
    • Keep nicotine and alcohol consumption to a minimum.
    • You may need to temporarily stop taking hormone-containing medication (the pill).
    • Blood-thinning medication (e.g. ASA, Thomapyrin®) must be discontinued at least ten days before the date of the operation after consultation with your doctor.
    • Vitamin preparations (A, E) and dietary supplements (omega-3 fatty acids, St. John’s wort preparations, etc.) must be discontinued at least four weeks before the operation.
    • Intimate surgery restricts suitability for air travel. Therefore, do not plan any business or private air travel in the following four weeks.
    • Follow-up cost insurance should be taken out before aesthetic procedures are carried out.

    What do you need to consider after a mons veneris reduction?

    • This is followed by regular checks on your well-being and the results of the operation.
    • After intimate surgery, you should disinfect the fresh stitches every morning and evening for 14 days (e.g. with Octenisept® or Lavanid® gel).
    • Shower with a disinfectant soap (e.g. HiBiScrub® Plus, Octenisan® Wash Lotion, Prontoderm® Shower Gel) from the first postoperative day.
    • Regular cooling helps to keep the unavoidable swelling to a minimum. Three weeks after you have been treated, the swelling has largely subsided.
    • As a rule, you can return to work the day after the treatment. However, we recommend sitting less for the first ten days after the operation.
    • Women should not use tampons for the first three weeks after the operation.
    • Bending over, lifting heavy loads, swimming, saunas, sexual intercourse and sporting activities should be avoided for four weeks, possibly longer if swelling persists.

    Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl has a unique international perspective with a female view of plastic surgery. Your individual and detailed approach is the key to the beautiful and natural results. Having trained in Brazil, one of the largest and best-known countries for aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, she understands her patients’ desire to look and feel their best.

    She completed her medical studies and training as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery in Brazil. In 2009, she also successfully passed the German equivalence examinations for the state medical examination.

    Two years later, in 2011, she received the German and in 2012 the EU specialist certification (EBOPRAS) for plastic surgery. From 2009 to 2013, she deepened her knowledge of aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery with world-renowned representatives of plastic surgery such as Professor Gubisch at the Marienhospital and Madame Firmin in Paris.

    A VDÄPC Fellowship (continuing scholarship for graduate students) in Switzerland, France and the USA has further enriched her professional experience. Dr. Santos Stahl is active in various renowned professional associations. In addition to the DGPRÄC and DGBT, she is also a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – SBCP.

    She is also the author of several scientific articles and, together with her husband, is dedicated to research and clinical studies in the field of plastic surgery.

    She has been based in Saarbrücken since 2019.

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    Bahnhofstraße 36

    Telefon +49 681 30140055

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    09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr13.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr
    Centerplast in Saarbrücken