Lipoma removal in Saarbrücken

Lipoma is the most common benign soft tissue tumor. Lipomas are most frequently found in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Superficial lipomas lying under the skin are slightly displaceable. They feel soft and do not cause any pain. Rarely, lipomas can lead to constriction of the median nerve or the ulnar nerve.

Lipomas can usually be easily detected by ultrasound. In the case of close proximity to nerves or vessels and in the case of atypical findings, an MRI examination is helpful. Very rarely, a malignant change is possible. Indications of this are rapid growth or pain. Malignant liposarcomas tend to affect patients between the ages of fifty and 65.

What our patients say

What are the most common benign soft tissue tumors?

  • Atheroma: An atheroma is a cavity in the subcutaneous tissue filled with a yellowish-white tag. It is caused by a drainage disorder of the sebaceous glands. If the size increases or there is a risk of inflammation, surgical removal can be performed.
  • Lipoma: A lipoma is a benign growth of fatty tissue cells. In rare cases, however, the growth can be malignant. Only surgical removal can confirm the diagnosis.

How is the removal of a soft tissue tumor performed?

The procedure to remove a lipoma at our clinic in Saarbrücken is performed under local anesthesia, general anesthesia or twilight sleep, as required. There are two options for local anesthesia: Either the skin in the surgical area is anesthetized or the surgeon specifically anesthetizes the nerve that supplies the surgical area.

During twilight sleep, you will also receive sedatives and painkillers via the bloodstream. The skin is injected with an adrenaline solution to make the operation particularly gentle and minimize blood loss.

The skin over the palpable lump or at a nearby site favorable for scarring is incised. Smaller vessels are sclerosed using the bipolar technique. Benign changes that can be easily demarcated are then closed. Ideally, very fine sutures and optical magnification are used after lipoma removal. To ensure that the wound heals as inconspicuously and quickly as possible, the wound edges are carefully and precisely adapted.

Your experts for lipoma removal

Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl
Dr. Adelana Santos Stahl
Dr. Stephane Stahl
PD. Dr. Stéphane Stahl

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08.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr13.00 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr
09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr13.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr
Centerplast in Saarbrücken